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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Trying to conceive a girl? Read this!

The only thing that is 100% is PGD but we feel swaying can change the odds into our favor. Here you will find a lot of the information that is key for a good swaying attempt. It is up to you to find the right ‘recipe’ or ‘path’ that will be your attempt for a girl. There are many things you can do to sway the odds and here is the information that we hope will be helpful to you. The basic idea is that x sperm love a low pH from 4-4.5. When exposed to this pH

they will thrive. Also x sperm love calcium. Sperm count is lowest when if you bd every day (or ever other day) or if it dh abstains longer than 7 days (low sperm count favors x sperm.) Finally, although timing isn’t a proved theory, it is best to time bd 3 days from O if possible or 12 hours after O because this is when cm pH is the lowest. Ok here is the rest of the info:

Link to the studies that support these theory

There are 7 Factors that make up swaying: pH, ions, minerals, diet, hormones, supplments and timeing. You can't just count on one to work. If you only do timeing that is only 1/7th of a sway. Here is more info: 7 factors


Lots of calcium (milk, yogurt, etc.)

Low salt intake

No caffeine

For the GIRL diet the ranges are:

(salt) Na++ 700-1000 mg

(Potassium) K+ 2,500-3,500 mg

(calcium) Ca 1,200-1,800 mg

(Magnesium) Mg 200-300 mg

Girl cook book:

Tier One (to be eaten when ever you want)

(Girl diet, acidifying diet, mineral diet and progesterone diet)

Read your labels. And watch your sodium and potassium in foods!

yogurt- Greek style or organic only (read labels and look for yogurts containing NO potassium)


Milk- t (nomral milk has 350mg of potassium and organic has about 250mg of potassium. some brands of UHT milk has O mg)

tahini (sesame seed paste)- look for low salt

Strawberries and Raspberries (look for frozen, unsweetened or canned in syrup although fresh will do)

Sugar free gum (not with truvia or stevia in it)

Tier Two (eat as much as you want as long as you watch minerals and stay within range)

(Girl diet & Mineral Diet)

Parmesan cheese (3 tbs max a day)

Propel fitness water with calcium

eggs (Egg Beaters are best)

cottage cheese- read labels for sodium

low salt bread

pasta- look for calcium fortified pasta

fish (poached in 500 ml of water to reduce sodium)


green beans


low sodium mayonnaise

Tier Three (eat once a day)

(Girl diet and Acidifying diet)

Cranberries- dried or raw (NOT Craisens)

white rice

corn cereal or puffed rice

lamb- loin or chop

chicken- breast

(up to 130g of meat per day- no red meat= testosterone)

Tier Four (not to be eaten the week of o, other wise once a week max)

(Diets in order of importance)

The Mineral Diet

The Acidifying Diet

The Progestrone Diet

List of forbidden foods:




Make sure to think about mouth wash and tooth pasts as well as other things you may place in your mouth. Always try to find low to no sodium products


Drink suggestions: Milk, Cranberry, Diet Cool-aid, Aquafina, Dasania (Aquafina and Dasania both are made with reverse osmoses which naturally lowers the pH of water to about a 5-6) and Cranberry Juice.


One of the fastest ways to lower pH that has been discovered is with fake sugars. The best lowest acidic one is Aspartame. It does have some side effects. Some people are allergic to it so they can’t drink it. Others it may cause a headache.. this means to cut back. You can find Aspartame at Walmart in there drink mixed called Great Value sugar free. This has been found to be the best drink mix because it lowers pH the best. If you can not find this then others have found that crystal lite works for them. You should try to drink 66-100 oz of this drink mix every day.

Cranberry Juice

Most of your Cranberry will be taken in pill form. However you can drink the juice as well. You can only drink either pure cranberry juice or it mixed with some other berry.

peppermint tea


This is another drink. In the past we thought peppermint tea would lower testosterone, lower or stabilize estrogen and raise progesterone. Newest studies studies suggest that it may raise estrogen or stabilize. Because the effect to estrogen isn't unknown at this time; We now recommend Saw Palmetto to raise progesterone and lower estrogen and testosterone (see below). But this is gentler; so if you want to use this instead of SP you take 3 cups a day. This is the only tea you can drink for ttc a girl.

When to have sex:

O + 12

This has better success than cut off. Abstain from sex for 7 days or more, and then have sex 12 or so hours after you ovulate. Obviously, you have to pinpoint your ovulation exactly for this:

Shettles Method

Have sex least 2-3 days before Ovulating. Then keep your pH low till O.

Most important info!!!

First off, diet is the most imortant sway factor. But no matter if o+12 or cut off (shettles) you need to do this! Hour before your attempt check your cm pH. It needs to be 4-4.5. If not then either douche or use rephresh or replens to lower pH. If you are not doing TBM then you may insert 1-3 ml of lime douche 5 minutes or so after bd. Then 1/2 hour after attempt you need to check pH again. If it is high you need to lower it back down to 4-4.5. Check your pH every 1/2 hour up to 4 hours. Then place in a lime doushe tampon.. and leave in for 4 or more hours. The first 4 hours are critical because it takes 4 hours for x sperm to get to the waiting zone. With cut off you need to keep your pH 4-4.5 till confirmed O so check often!


Moon theory

Girl- conceived in the “new moon” phase

Boy- conceived in the “full moon” phase


Positive ions favor boys Negative ions favor girls Spring has slightly more - than + Summer has more - than + Fall has slightly more + than - Winter has more + than =

Full moon (from the day moon is full till day before new moon) has more + New moon (from the day moon is new till day before full moon) has more -

So if you ttc in winter on a full moon this strongly favors boys. Summer in new moon- strong girl. Spring in full moon is more neural

*note about seasons. If you are south of the Equator (like in Au) the seasons ions aren’t the same. Therefore only the temps will affect you, not the seasons, unless there is a solar flare.

**Special note on Solar flares. Solar flares are bursts of positive ions from the sun that hit the earth and cause the Northern lights. They last about 1-2 days but sway heavily for boy. There is a 12 year solar cycle where at the start of the cycle solar flares are rare and at the end of the cycle they are very common. This cycle can account for the spikes of certain genders in different years. Here is a link to a 3 day solar flare predictor Green means no solar flares, red means big solar flares. Yellow is small solar flares. NOT EVERYONE IS AFFECTED BY IONS IN THIS WAY! You know if you are by your pH. High pH favors boys and indicate egg is in polarity for y sperm. Low pH favors girls and indicates egg is in polarity for x sperm


No female orgasm

Missionary position for sex

Husband take HOT bath or shower a few minutes before sex (or have a heating pad heat up his “buddies”)

“Jump and Dump”- go to bathroom and “dump” everything right after sex (not for TBM) See this.

Abstinence over 7 days is best or under 48 hours.. not between 2-6 days as this favors boys

Dh wear “tighty whities”

The supplements-->-->

Supplements are to decrease cervical mucus pH. Studies show that low pH favors girl conceptions. The goal of the girl diet is to increase calcium and magnesium in the cm and to change pH; the goal of supplements is to change pH and make creamy CM. Here are all the supplements that I have heard of for ttc a girl. Granted there may be more. They key here is for you to find the right 'recipe' to make low pH with creamy cm with calicum mixed in- this is the goal. Remember.. it is better to take supplements in liquid form if you can find that because it is more easily absorbed by the body


* Supplements amounts listed here are the maximum amount for dw and dh. This isn't based on weight but more so on safety.

Calcium citrate (1200 mg combined with diet every day) take from af to af (can stop at O if you want to save money) calcium in the cm helps to sway for a girl (to prevent low ionic strength cal and Mag ratio has to be 2 to 1. If you have a digital pH tester don't worry about this) (not calcium carbonate)

Magnesium (300 a day combined with diet!)take from af to af (can stop at O if you want to save money) Mag. in the cm helps to sway for a girl

Folic Acid (450 mcg a day)** you can take more of this if needed and be safe!! Take all the time THIS DOES NOT SWAY! IT PREVENTS BIRTHDEFECTS AND PREVENTS MC

Acidilophis (2 a day) take from af to af (can stop at O to save money) This is taken to lower pH. side effects: this is a funny supplment. Either it will lower your pH dramaticaly or you will raise it. It is different for different people

B6 (100 mg a day) If taken before O it may delay O. But for those that it doesnt delay o, take all the time, but when you get a bfp you need to ween off slowly- if you take 100 this means the next week you take 80, then the next week 60 then 40, 20, 10 then stop. This is taken to raise progestrone and legthen luteal phase. Side efffects: When taken before O it may dealy O. It will also legthen your luteal phase

Chasteberry (Vitex) (500 mg a day) this is to regulate cycles- do not take if you have regural cycles. Please read this:

Cranberry (total of 1,500 to 10,000 mg fresh fruit equivalent a day if possible. This is based on equal to fresh fruit equivalent.. not amount on bottle. This part can be tricky. So, 10,000 ml equivalent to fresh fruit) take from af to O (stop at O) this is taken to lower pH side effect: cranberry can not be taken after O as it can cause mc. Cranberry is a blood thinner so if you already taking a blood thinner do not take this.

Lydia Pinkham (take from af to O) this is taken to raise progestrone and regulate cycles side effect: This will either make your cycles regular or screw them up

Vitamen C- 500 mg -af to af (can stop at O to save money) in pill forum this makes you more acidic. (to much can cause gas and diarrhea)

Saw Palmetto standardized -320mg a day (thats one pill a day)- Make sure to buy the standardized kind. Take from AF to O.. not to be taken in the 2ww or with pg! This lowers testrone, lowers estrogen and rasies progesterone. Do not take this with Clomid. There are some warnings so please read the warning sticky. For more info please read this

Before sex

Sudafed (not pe) real drug name is: pseudoephedrine: (a few hours before sex) this is taken to lower pH and dry up cm

Husband take

licorice root 450mg 3 times a day- lowers testosterone and raises estrogen (this is good for dh not for dw). Only have him take from your af to O. He needs the 2ww for a break. Can only take for up to 6 months then he needs a 2 week break (have him follow this 2 week break after the 2ww break so he will total a 4 week break). There are some risks. Read this

Calcium citrate (1200 mg a day) can take from your af to af (or stop at your o to save money) calcium lowers pH in dh and helps x sperm

Magnesium (300 a day combined with diet!) can take from your af to af (or stop at your o to save money)

Acidilophis (2 a day) take from af to OThis is taken to lower pH. side effects: this is a funny supplment. Either it will lower your pH dramaticaly or you will raise it. It is different for different people

Cranberry (total of 1,500 to 10,000 mg a day if possible. This is based on equal to fresh fruit equivalent.. not amount on bottle. This part can be tricky. So, 10,000 ml equivalent to fresh fruit) take from af to O can take from your af to af (or stop at your o to save money) this is taken to lower pH side effect: blood thinner.. see above

Other supplments:

For prevention of mc these supplements can be taken by the dw.

Vitamin E-400 iui - this strengthens the outer shell of the egg and helps with implantation - Warning - Vitamin E can increase EWCM production for some people.

Folic acid- 800-1000mcg this strengthens the inners part of the egg-->-->

Vitamin B12-150mcg makes folic acid work better (b6 also lengths luteal phase, if you take b6 and get a bfp don't stop suddenly, rather decrease it slowly)-->-->

Zinc -50mg- this repairs any of the egg that may have been damaged and also helps with implantation. Often I will get confused and say dw can not take zinc. If I post this; it is wrong.. Only dh taking zinc favors boys.-->-->

Baby aspirin- 81mg- one a day. This helps with implantation and helps to maintain a pregnancy. It thins the blood

The hardest part is trying to decide what to take.

Optimal pH of cm should be


Optimal pH of dh semen should be

7-7.5 (you can lower this to 4-4.5 with lime once it is outside of dh)

Other tips:-->-->

So is Hot showers for dh and dw (lowers sperm count and lowers pH). Some people are using refresh/replens finger to lower cm pH. They are also useing acidjel (has the best acids in it), vinegar douche (if it doesn't raise your pH), or lime douche. This is all based on an environment theory that an acidc one produces girls.. Also Oing will raise female pH so avoid this .For ttc a girl you should use the following products because they have been found to lower female testosterone (which favors boys) Nail polish remove, Nail polish, and anything with Aerosols.

For dh he needs to wear tight fighting underwear. He also should try to get on the girl diet and he needs to lower his semen pH to a 7-7.5. He must try to gain weight as this for dh sways girl. While you must try to lose weight. He can lower pH with cranberry supplements. His pH can be changed quickly with these- he should take as much needed the day before bd to achieve low pH . Finally, sperm count is highest in the morning so try to time bd at night. New info suggest that you want low blood sugar in the mornign when ttc a girl. So avoid carbs in the morning. Also cardio sways girl while weights sway boys. You should avoid eating till noon, whild dh may have breakfast. Finally, warm things sway girl and cold things boy (effects pH and ions)

The Moon-->-->

There is no doubt that the moon can sometimes have and effect on gender if ones body responds to it. Here is the scientific reason behind why this might be and how you can alter that effect if you need to. The theory is that a different sperm have different ions. Now when there is a full moon out it is scientific fact that there are positive ions in the air and we breathe it. When there is a new moon out there are negative ions in the air and you inhaling that as well. The theory is that some peoples bodies react to these ions just like nature does (Google crops and moon, or fish and moon). So when there is a full moon those positive ions cause your egg to have positive ions thus attracting the y sperm. Now if you are O’ing in a full moon you need to try to counteract the effects of the Postive ions. You can do this with running water, air purifires, rock salt deionizers to counteract the effects of a full moon or use magnate therapy using negative ions- polar north, and avoid computers or at least have a fan blowing on you while you are on a computer.

Website full of good info on where to find negavtive ions:

-Info on pH strips and retrieving cm-->-->

Digital pH testers are the best for testing pH. For more info see here: Then there are two pH strips you want to look for (if not buying digital). Alkalive (also called pHion) and full range (also called universal). These are found the cheapest on ebay (search pH strips then select lowest to highest price.) Alkalive can measure between numbers like a 4.75 but can be hard to read so you need a back up. The full range strips will only read one number- no between but they are very easy to read. To see my review of pH strips go here:>--> . More info about digtital pH testers:

CM pH test strips are read in 15-20 minutes (but don't read it dry)

Semen pH test strips are read in 1 minute. The reason for the difference is water content.

Digital pH tester the pH is read right away- no waiting

How to retrieve cm….TMI!!! You reach up inside your V and with your finger you touch the cervix. Then you hook your finger and pull out. The cm on the tip of your finger is the one you want to test. The cm closest to your cervix is the most alkaline and the cm on the edges of your v is acidic. Wipe this on the pH strip (or on the digital pH tester wand) and wait for up to 10 minutes (no waiting for digital) depending on how much water is in your cm. If your pH strip doesn’t change and you have tried several times to test pH; this means you have low ionic strength in your cm (which means you NEED a digtal pH tester). Urion pH only tells you how you are doing with your diet and supplements that day- it does not help with swaying besides that.

To test dh pH you have him give a sample in a cup or a condom. Then test that sample with pH strips right away (the longer semen sits out the higher the pH goes and you want to know his initial pH).

*helpful tip: If you can not retrieve cm to test pH in this manner get a instead cup or diva cup. Place it in vj for 30 minute-hour. This will fill up with fresh cm that you can test easily

The Diva cup:

The Diva cup will increases your chances of becoming pregnant. And it will not effect pH. But here is the tricky part. Every 1/2 hour after attempt you need to remove the cup and test the pH inside your vj and in the cup and lower if necessary. Then place the up back in. You do this up to 4 hour then take the cup out and put in a lime tampon.


Diet that should be followed:

What do all these abbreviations mean?!?!?


*Douche needs to be body temp or you may kill sperm.


To help conceive a baby girl use an acidic Douche -->-->

There are 3 douches you can choose from. 7% vinegar/calcium, lime douche and store bought vinegar douche. 7%is most effecteve due to the acetyl radical and acetic acid then after that is lime and last is store bought. Please note: 7% Vinegar has been known to raise the pH in some women instead of lowering it. So please test this out before your attempt. Lime has not had this problem. The following is an explaion of why it is better and how to make it.

7% vinegar/calcium: (pH of 4)

7% vinegar/cal works for TBM is because of 3 reasons: The first is Because the y sperm at low pH's tails freeze (they don't like low pH), the second is because at that low pH calcium binding to sperm occurs and the Third is because of acetyl radical and acetic acid . These chemicals play a big part in girl conceptions. Now onto the new step. When you TBM you freeze the tails of the y sperm to give the x sperm a chance to head up. But according to the study, douching an hour before is Critical for this to work. 1/2 hour the freezing stops and the y sperm start to swim again.

Douching an hour before is Critical for this to work. AT 5 mintues after bd (or 30 mintues after tbm), ake your pH reading. If it is to high then take the douche and insert 1-3 ml into the vJ to lower the pH to 4-4.5 You then check Keep checking this every 30 mintutes for up to 4 hours; then take a lime douche soaked tampon and place it in there to prevent leakage- you can remove this 4 hours later. The following is explanation on how to make the mix, the tampon, and other info. DO NOT USE THIS FOR PLACING DIRECTLY INTO SPERM (TBM). Only lime juice (not the douche) can be used to lower semen pH directly.

*For the mix you want this to have a pH of 4 The study this is based on uses vinegar.

Here (this link will tell you how to make distilled water)

How to make 7% vinegar:

This can made in an hour. It is easier to make the 7% by freezing than with boiling.. Here is what to do..Put 5% vinegar in freezer. Watch for when a forms a layer of ice on the top. Then remove that ice (skim it). Do this 4-5 times and the % will be right. Then take it out. it is now 7%. The day of your attempt add the calcium power (or pill if you cant find power) and let it dissolve for one hour. pH should be 4 after you add the calcium. Add 3-4 drops of distiled water (to activate it) and then it is ready to be used

Lime douche: (pH of 2)

•Mix lime with distilled water - test pH. If it isn't low enough mix more.

•Let the solution stand for approximately 10 minutes. -->-->

•One hour before intercourse stir the solution again then insert some of the solution into the vagina (This can be done with a douche or a syringe ~ both available at pharmacies). -->-->

•While inserted, empty the douche or syringe slowly and gently preferably while lying down to ensure maximum effect. -->-->


An hour before sex

7% Vinegar/calcium and some drops of distilled waterwater (pH of 4)

Lime and water (pH of 2)

Replens or Rephresh vaginal moisturizer (every three days or every other dayonly and only a fingertip full- not the entire applicator!) You can also use this in place of douche 2 hours before attatmp (but not the entire applicator)

How to douche: The hour before you can either use a store bought douche bag or a big syringe (12+ml). Let is run out and wash away ewcm. The 1/2 hour after follow up douches is only 1-3ml. This follow up douches are ment to just lower pH. You do not need to douche an hour before if you have a pH of 4-4.5 and no ewcm.

Lime douche Tampon

*To make a lime douche tampon you place lime douche in a plastic cup and soak the tampon while still in the plastic applicator. Right before inserting take the tampon out so that it isn’t dripping. Then you insert it while while making sure you dont let any sperm out and leave it in for 4 hours. This is to be done after every attempt. If you are doing a cut off (I would rather you do o+12 but anyway..) you need to check your pH every hour till O. This can be tricky at night, so be careful. You dont need to put a lot in, just enough to keep pH low. Always always always make sure your hand are clean. Also remember with tampons you run the risk of TSS

No matter what your plan.. 1/2 hour after BD you should insert follow up douche into your vj and don't let it out This isn't a douche- but rather a mix you insert to freeze the y sperm and to give the x sperm a better chance. Then keep cheking every 1/2 hour up to 4 hours. If you are not doing TBM then you should check your pH 5 mintues after bd and do a lowering douche (1-3ml) if needed. Then keep checking every 30 minutes up to 4 hours. To check the pH after attempt you only check the combined pH at the entrance; not deep inside. But if you have to lower your pH you do need to put it up in there carefully.

Refresh and Replens

Replens: pH 2.8

Rephresh: pH 4-5

Replens is now used for replens finger. Rephresh is used as a lube.. HOWEVER if your pH is already a pH less than 5 do not use replens, you can use rephresh as a lube when bd as it has the right actic acids for ttc a girl. rephresh has a pH of 5 you want the pH to be 4-4.5. The higher your pH the higher the pH of rephresh will be as it is a reactive lube. where as replens is always a pH of 2 point somthing PLEASE TRY THIS AHEAD OF TIME TO SEE HOW IT EFFECTS YOUR pH!! For some women they will raise pH. For the 1/2 hour after attempt if you want to lower pH with with this you need to use rephresh; not replens.

*If you use Aci-jel, then use it just like replens. Fine more info here. If aci-jel is sold out you may try acid jelly

Replens finger. This is for women who want to lower pH the days before bd time.. Every other day bd make sure your hands are clean and then you dip your finger in replens or refresh. Then, sit down on the toilet and insert your finger with refresh and pull out. If tested right away your cm should go from high to low (7 to 4-4.5) and stay that way for a long time. . You woud use this every other day to lower your pH.


If you need lube ttc a girl you have two choices. Either Rephresh (please read above) or canola oil. Lubes do not sway well for a girl on there own. You need to do everything else as well. Lube is just to help you bd.

Canola oil has a pH of 6.83 but it is an oil can can not sway. You can use canola oil right before your attempt to help you to get pregnant however some women's pH will raise become of this. So you NEED to check pH every 1/2 hour up to 4 hours and lower if necessary.

Past theory's:

I thought I should add past theory's that have worked for some people. In 2004 women were trying the condom theory. With this theory they used a spermicide condom and poked a hole in the condom. They then bd to ttc a girl. This method worked well but everyone that did it moved on with their lives so it droped off. The second theory was done in 2005 and that was the spermicide method. The theory was if spermicide were to fail it would sway for girl. However everyone droped it when no one got pregnant.

Bd every day verses abstaining for over 7 days

Here is the thing. First off do the opposite of what ever you did to get your boys. Did you bd every day? then abstain, did you abstain for over 7 days? then release every day or every other day. Second, only try abstaining of 7 days or more for about 6-12 months. Then if you are not pg get a microscope and check to make sure you dh sperm are alive. A small number (3%) of men can not abstain because there sperm all die. Or if you don't want to use a scope, just switch to bd every day or every other day if you just want to get pg.

Do I think abstaining is the best between the 2? YUP! However, for those 3% who it can't work for I want to make sure they aren't waisting there attempts. If it was up to me I would have everyone who was going to abstain have them check there dh semen the first time they abstain to make sure none of their attempts are waisted.

Finally there is a Forum called ‘Extreme gender swaying'which takes swaying a step further into ‘at home sperm sorting using TBM, Swim Up, or GDC. It can all be found here:

and here: