- First read threw FAQ and really know it
- Next test your pH and dh pH before diet and supplements
- Do 2 or 3 practice cycles with a thermometer. Make sure to mark in your Fertilely Friend chart when you get a +opk, when you have ewcm and it shift to creamy and when your cervix goes from soft to hard
- Know what kind of cm you have at the time you plan on attempting so you can figure out what supplements to take
- Figure out if you want to do extreme gender swaying, or not, and what timing method you will be doing.
- Be on diet and supplments (once you figure out what ones to take) for at least 6 weeks
Trying to concieve a boy or a girl? Well, after reading EVERY (not an exaggeration) study out there I learned so much info that people kept asking me questions. During this time I prayed and prayed to God for wisdom and he opened my eyes to Extreme gender swaying. Thus those theory's were also born. I feel that all swaying methods should always remain FREE and this is my goal.